Posts Categorized: General

Netflix Removes Profiles, Calls it “Improvement”

I just got an e-mail from Netfix, they will be removing profiles feature. I thought it was spam at first, since why would Netflix do this? I followed the link, and found out this it wasn’t a joke, they are in fact removing profiles effective September 1st. This feature lets you set up multiple movie… Read more »

Appalacian State University Studies Mentos + Diet Coke

Appalachian State University has recently published the results of their study on the physics behind the Mentos + Diet Coke = Crazy Fizz phenomenom. This is some serious science that I can get behind! If you ask me, more research dollars need to go towards the study of Mentos. According to the study, here is… Read more »

Screwy Netflix Recommendations

I just upgraded to a Blu-ray player (another post is coming) so I went in and switched my Netflix account to send me BD movies instead of DVD movies. In doing so, I’ve been digging around my account more and am really not impressed by the recommendations they provide.  I’ve had an account for about… Read more »

I’m on Rocketboom

I just got a message from a friend telling me that I made it into the latest RocketBoom podcast. It happens around 22-29 seconds in the video. Ken and I just walk right by the camera at the South by Southwest Conference in Austin. Check out my notes at the SXSW Notes site.

Giant German Balloon Tank

Another lovely balloon creation that appeals to my balloon artist side. This is a (close to) scale replecia of a German Panzer Tank… it’s huge!

Cherry Chocolate Diet Dr. Pepper

Cherry Chocolate (rain) Diet Dr. Pepper viral marketing campaign = Great! (based on the internet video Chocolate Rain) Cherry Chocolate Diet Dr. Pepper (the drink) = Yucky!

AOL Kills Netscape

After being on life support for many many years, AOL has finally killed the web browser that started them all. AOL is pulling the plug on Netscape. There really hasn’t been much of a flutter from the browser for quite some time, and not it is officially done. AOL will be cutting off support in… Read more »

2007 Holiday Gift Guides

Now that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are behind us, I thought I’d hand out my yearly list of online gift guides. This is just a handful of the guides out there on the net. These are probably more geared towards geek-gift-givers (which is how I do my shopping). If you run across another one… Read more »

Band Geeks

As if being in marching band wasn’t geeky enough (I can say that… I was in band!). Check out Cal’s video game marching band show… it is awesome! This brings new meaning to the term “Band Geek.”

Balloon Dog Anatomy

As a balloon artist myself, I had a general idea of the balloon dog anatomy, but this chart shows everything. I’ll have to whip this out the next time a crying child comes back to me with a broken balloon animal requesting me to perform balloon surgery. After months of observations, dissections and a 25… Read more »

Internet People

How many of these do you know? I think I recognize about 90% (and I’m looking up the ones I haven’t heard of).

Advanced Photo Resizing

This video has been making the rounds the past couple weeks. It is a demonstration of dynamic image resizing. Normally when resizing an image, you will get artifacts with making it either larger or smaller. This demo shows a method of making an image resizable by stretching the unimportant parts of an image and keeping… Read more »

Soundwave: The Touch

Poor Soundwave… nobody needs a Transformer that changes into a cassette player. P.S. The Transformers movie was awesome!

Find Your Best Movie Reviewer

I think movie reviewers are hit or miss, and there isn’t really one out there that I follow religiously. I have somewhat unique taste in movies. Enter “Which Move Reviews Should I Believe?” Rate a handful of movies on this site, and a few movie reviewers will be recommended to you. My movie tastes line… Read more »