Posts Categorized: General


Flickr is a really cool service that does a million and one things with your photos. You can upload them and store them and trade them and chat with them and add them to a blog and look at other people’s and… and… It has a really slick flash interface. Flickr uses “tags” to categorize… Read more »

More Ghostbusters Stuff

While looking for an Egon picture for the previous post I ran across another Ghostbusters site. If you look through the fan props area there are a ton of cool props! 9+ pages of proton packs! 3 pages of ghost traps Ecto Mobiles (yes… that’s their car) There are even plans for these items. So… Read more »

Who Ya Gonna Call?

There is a nice looking proton pack for sale on eBay. I’ve seen this before on eBay. I don’t know if they didn’t sell it, or this is another one. Still, it’s pretty cool! After doing a little digging, it seems to be a different seller. The previous listing is still available at the builder’s… Read more »

Crazy Stuff Out There!

I was looking around at some random stuff on the web and decided to take a look at They’re the people who put together that weird Quizno’s commercial w/the singing hairballs. It was actually based on this movie, which I personally like better. They’ve also got some fun singing kittens, pandas and ????’s. I… Read more »

Branding the Presidential Candidates

The branding firm, Landor and Associates, did an interesting survey, asking Bush supporters, Kerry supports, and undecided folks what product brands they associated with both of the candidates. They polled people in these categories: Coffee, Magazine, Technology, Car, Retail, Fast Food, Hotels, Beer. I don’t know if these findings will make you change your vote… Read more »

Shrek Mystery Solved!

Straight from General Mills: Thank you for contacting General Mills with your inquiry. There are 6 different marbits in Shrek cereal and they represent the following: Shrek, Princess Fiona, Donkey, Gingerbread Man, Potion Bottle, and Puss ‘n Boots. We hope you find this information helpful. Please let us know if we can help you again…. Read more »

New iMac G5

Apple introduced their new G5 iMac this morning. I think I like it better than the previous (iLamp) model. The design just looks cleaner to me. It has a widescreen 17″ or 20″ display and comes in two processor flavors (1.6GHz or 1.8GHz G5). You can find all the info you need at the Apple… Read more »

Mystery Marshmallow

Shrek Cereal is some good stuff! It’s a bit like a combination of Lucky Charms and Kix (kinda like Kix w/marshmallows). I just am a little confused by the shapes. I think I’ve got them all down but one. 1.) Donkey 2.) Gingerbread Man 3.) Princess Fiona? 4.) Farquaad 5.) ???? 6.) Shrek So what… Read more »


Welcome to! This is the first post of hopefully many here. This area will be a collection of thoughts and news about technology and random items of interest to me. Enjoy!