Firefox, my browser of choice, has started a new campaign to promote the browser on college campuses which I think is a great idea. I’ve been using Firefox/Mozilla since they started the project and think it’s a great browser.
They are taking submissions for poster designs specifically geared to college students to print up and sell at the Mozilla store. I’m not a college student, but I’d put up a Firefox poster! How much of a geek am I to want to hang a poster that promotes a web browser?
They are also looking for campus reps to promote the browser at their respective schools. Do you know any college geeks students that might be interested in taking up the Firefox torch?
What I think would be helpful is producing these posters to hang on college campuses… something that really grabs people’s attention and makes them want to go out and download Firefox. Would people do that (download something they saw on a poster)? Mozilla should also try to work with IT departments at colleges and see if they can get Firefox on the standard utilities CD that most campuses seem to give out. Or talk to the college helpdesk people and maybe give away some free Firefox CD’s that they can sit out on the counter for people to grab.
Regardless, this sounds like a good idea… the more people they can get to switch, the better.