About Techory.com

Welcome to techory.com! This site is a hodgepodge of many different things. First and foremost it is a collection of my designs, past and present. It’s also a place where I can post the random tidbits of technology that I seem to run across on a daily basis.

Who Am I?

My name is Scott Fiddelke, I live in Iowa City, IA and work a Web Developer for The University of Iowa. In addition to creating websites and multimedia for UI, I also do some freelance work in my spare time. When I’m not sitting in front of a computer screen, I enjoy SCUBA diving. I’ve been a certified diver for a number of years and try and get into the water whenever I can (that can be a little difficult in land-locked Iowa sometimes). I’m also an amateur magician, and have been performing magic (and doing balloon animals) since I was in kindergarten when I received my first magic trick for Christmas. I’m also obsessed with mentos. If you were to talk to any of my friends (and even some strangers) they would all whole-heartedly agree that I’m obsessed with that chewy candy of the gods… the freshmaker.

About This Site


This is the area where I’ll post my regular ramblings about this and that. This will include (but is not limited to) technology and gadgets, mentos, interesting bits of news that I find on the web, mentos, photos of random things, mentos… mentos…
You get the idea!


This is a collection of my work to date. Take a look at some if the projects that I’ve created.


This is a photo gallery of pictures I’ve taken and places I’ve been.


You know what this one is about… it’s what you’re reading right now.


This is how you can get in touch with me.

Thanks for visiting!